How may I get my child baptized?
Call the Parish Office (405) 946-4441 for information regarding Baptism. Baptism seminars in Spanish are on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and for English seminars, please contact the parish office.
Weddings & quinceaneras:
For Weddings and Quinceaneras, please contact the Parish Office (405) 946-4441, 6 months prior to the event.
Are there youth programs?
Yes, we have RE classes on Wednesdays and Sundays K - 7th grade and confirmation class 8th - 12th grade. For more information, please contact the parish office.
How do I Register as a Parishioner at Saint Patrick’s Parish?
There is a person at the “Information Table” in the Church Entrance after each Weekend Eucharist.
If you ask for a “New Parishioner Folder” you will be given a Packet that includes a Registration Form. You may fill out the Registration Form and give it to the person at the Information Table. You may also place the completed form in the Saturday/Sunday Collection Basket.
Funerals at Saint Patrick’s Church Oklahoma City
We understand the loss of a family member, loved one, or friend is a difficult time.
This list of Questions and Answers serves as a guide to some of the practical aspects of arranging Worship Service(s) at Saint Patrick’s after someone dies.
What should I do if someone dies and I want the person to be buried from Saint Patrick’s Church?
Call (405) 512-7726. This is the Saint Patrick’s Emergency phone number in case of parishioner death or anointing of the sick.
Who may be buried from or by Saint Patrick’s Church?
Anyone may be buried. Usually the person is connected to the parish through parish membership or a friend or family member who is a parishioner.
Can a person who commits suicide be buried from Saint Patrick’s?
Can a person be cremated and be buried from Saint Patrick’s?
Does the body or ashes have to be present to have a Memorial Service at Saint Patrick’s?
Can the Service be at a place other than Saint Patrick’s Church, such as the Funeral Home or the graveside or a Cemetery Chapel?
Are their days, times when the Service cannot be held at Saint Patrick’s Church?
We normally do not have Burial or Memorial Services on Sunday before 6 PM. If there is a previously scheduled event in the Church on the day and time the family wishes to have the service(s) we try to find a time that is convenient for the family of the deceased.
What do you do if the Pastor is not available for a Service?
The Parish Deacon may celebrate a service if it is not a Eucharist. The Parish Staff will look for another priest to celebrate the Eucharist if a Eucharist is needed.
What is the financial offering for a Service(s)?
We have a fee schedule. We ask the Funeral Home to handle the Financial matters so that the family of the deceased does not have to keep track of who gets an offering and how much the offering is. The family of the deceased and Funeral Home may visit with the Parish Staff if the family has financial difficulties.
What do you normally recommend when you arrange for a Service when someone dies?
We make available the following:
A Vigil (Wake) Service conducted by the Deacon or a lay person at 7 PM the night before the Eucharist (Mass) of Resurrection. The Vigil may have Scripture Reading and a time for “personal” sharing about the deceased. We ask that the sharing be brief (2 to 5 minutes) and that it be positive about the living and the dead. This service may be at the Church (if it is available) or at the Funeral Home. If there is Eucharist of Resurrection the following day the Casket may be left overnight in the Church.
A sung Eucharist of Resurrection is usually celebrated in the Church at 10 AM if there is an interment (burial). Parish will meet with the Family of the deceased to plan the Wake and or Funeral Service.
A Meal of Consolation is sometimes available for the family and friends of a deceased parishioner in the Parish Center after the internment. The amount of space available on a given day, time of the Meal of Consolation and quantity of guests expected will be considered in providing this service to the family.
Is there an offering for the Meal of Consolation?
No but donations are appreciated.
What if we want special music?
When the family meets with the Funeral Home the Staff Emergency number should be called so the availability of the Church, Pastor and/or deacon can be verified. At that time a planning meeting with the family and church staff is arranged. All questions relating to the Service(s) are taken care of at that time.
What if we don’t want a Mass or a wake?
The Parish Staff will attempt to respond to all requests in a helpful manner. Some deceased request a very simple service. The Parish Staff will respect those wishes.
What about flowers and a picture(s) of the deceased and family?
The Parish Staff and Funeral Home will take care of arrangement of flowers, displays and pictures in the Church Building.
These may be moved to the Parish Hall after the Funeral Service if there is a meal of consolation.
The Parish will not be responsible for items, materials left after the Funeral Service and/or Meal of Consolation is concluded.
Additional Questions may be answered by contacting the Parish Office at (405) 946-4441.
Reverend Joseph H. Arledge, Pastor